Monday, January 21, 2008


One of my New Years resolutions is to be less of a space case and finish some of my projects. I have about 10-15 projects that are in some stage between conception to completion. According to Feng Shui a cluttered house is a cluttered mind, and even though those projects are organized nicely in their respective places, it is still clutter that I need to get rid of in order to maintain my sanity. One of those projects is my "antique" sampler. I have always been extremely attracted to very ornate antique samplers, but since I seem to share that attraction with a lot of other people... a real antique sampler is WAY out of my budget. So, I decided to make my own. I don't have a specific pattern that I am following. Some of the text and borders I have seen in books and magazines, and the house is a pattern that I made up to look like my house. Anyway, I have been working on this sampler for about 2 years, off and on... more off than on. So I decided to just work on it until it is done!!! So far that has been going pretty well, but we shall see how that goes!!! Any new projects are going to have to take up space in my sketch book until I an get this completed.

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